Wednesday, February 20, 2013


1.What is the story about? What are the main events in the story and how are they related to each other?
"By the Waters of Babylon" is a short story centering on a young man from a post-apocalyptic society who goes forth from his village to learn and explore. The main events are when John left his dad on the journey, when he passed through the road of Death Places and from the fierce dogs to the Place of the Gods. They are related to each other in a way that its connected without one part u won't understand what the story is all about.
2. Are the main events of the story arranged chronologically, or are they arranged in another way?
The main events are arranged chronologically.
3. How is the story narrated? Are flashbacks, summaries, stories within the story used?
The story is narrated by the person in the story itself, which is John the son of the priest in the story. There are no flashbacks or summaries used within the stories.
4. Is the plot fast-paced or slow-paced?
The plot is a fast-paced plot.
5. How do the thoughts, behaviors, and actions of characters move the plot forward?
It moved the plots forward step by step showing where the character will go and how the story will be next.
6. What are the conflicts in the plot? Are they physical, intellectual, moral of emotional? Are they resolved? How are they resolved? Is the main conflict between good and evil sharply differentiated, or is it more subtle and complex?
The main character, John, struggles against his own fears(internal conflict) and against real or imagined outside threats(external conflict), such as a pack of wild dogs and the Hudson River. There are both physical and moral of emotional, they were resolved when he escaped them and when he came to know the real truth at the end. No it is more subtle and complex. 
7. What is the climax of the story and at what point in the story does the climax occur?
Is the ending of story happy, unhappy, or indeterminate? Is it fairly achieved?
The climax occurred when John has a vision revealing the Place of the Gods which was actually New York City as it was just before, and during, the Great Building. The climax of the story occurred not far before the ending. The ending of the story was happy because John came to know that the Gods are just men and is just like him and then he went home happily. Yes it was fairly achieved
8. Dose the plot have unity? Are all the episodes relevant tot he total meaning or effect of the story? Does each incident grow logically out of the preceding incident and lead naturally to the next?
The plot do have unity, each of the episodes of the story points to the answer which is the ending John had. Yes only some of the incident does.
9. What use does the story make of chance of coincidence? Are these occurrences used to initiate, to complicate, or to resolve the story? How improbable are they?
The made the chance of coincidence when it was the starting of where to go east, west, north, or south. And there were few things that happened referring John to travel east. The occurrences initiate the journey of John to the Place of the Gods. It was not at all improbable because it was surely to happen.

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