Thursday, November 15, 2012

Dragon's Gate Summary(Ch 1-5)( Page 1-57)

Dragon’s Gate Summary
               The story started in July 1865, in village of Three Willows of Kwangtung Province China. This village was a village that was conquered by the Manchu. In this village there was one boy name Otter which is an adopted son to one parent of the village making him feels like the stranger of the village. He had several uncles and friends. His one Uncle which is named as Foxfire, his father, and many other several men went to the Land of Golden Mountain in America to work there. They didn't come back for some years after they went there.

              Then one day all of them decided to make their way back. By hearing the surprising news they prepared a big homecoming for them. Uncle Foxfire has a wife known as “The Lion Rock Woman” which is the sister-in-law of Otter’s mother was both happy to have their husband back to the village. On one day at night when they were feasting there was a group of people addicted to opium attacked the feast and one of them was Stumpy’s mother which was one of Otter friends. It was such a disaster that Uncle Foxfire and Father had to call on “The Watch” to finally stop the addicts. It took some long time to be able to block the addicts away.
                The addicts were caused by the British who won two wars and force the Three Willows village to be able to sell opium. This caused poison throughout the kingdom, so from this incident it made Uncle Foxfire and Father stood up and told everyone that they can get rid of the British and Manchu’s too by getting weapons and the method of how the civil war that ended in the land of Golden Mountain. From this speech it made Otter had the inspiration to go to the Land of Golden Mountain with his Uncle and Father but at last after trying several times he had to choose to stay with his Mother because he is scared she will be in deep sorrow. 

               After one long year that his dad left with Otter's friend Braid his heartache was not healed. Otter felt still terrible of not being able to go to the Land of Golden Mountain. So in that very year he and his friend Cricket decided to go to The Dragon’s Gate and made a wish that he would be able to go to the Land of Golden Mountain. It took him some time to make a wish there. By the time he finished with his wish he was suddenly caught by the Manchu’s and escaped by hiding in some traveling chairs.
The End (Chapter 1-5) (Page 1-57